Tools > Glass Expert

Get more options for Glass Expert™ color correction

with K2's multiple glass lists and streamlined UX

Want to use multiple glass lists with easy setup? Now you can. With K2, using Synopsys' Glass Expert™ is easier than ever.
lens design in CODE V Optical Design software Glass Expert and K2realm Extensions with Multiple Lists

Explore the Benefits of Multiple Glass Lists

  • Pick any any number of glass lists to evaluate for substitution.
  • For example …
    • Create a list for aspheres (for moldable glasses)
    • Create a list for larger elements (for large pressing fabrication)
    • Create a list for exterior elements (for lenses exposed to the environment)
  • K2 handles it all in one run!

Fully Integrated with all run-time inputs

  • Optimize your Glass Expert™ setup with an  efficient workflow
  • Configure all inputs with just a few clicks
    • Choose candidate glasses for substitution
    • Choose elements to substitute
    • Choose run-time intelligence (cost, weight, transmission, etc.)
  • All in one easy to use interface to utilize Synopsys’ superior glass selection algorithm

Hear Synopsys’ John Rogers explain how the Glass Expert™ algorithm works.

In this video, John Rogers, Senior Scientist at Synopsys’ Optical Solutions Group and original author of the Glass Expert™ algorithm, gives a nice background on how it works.

Learn more in the SPIE Proceedings Paper “Secondary color correction and tolerance sensitivity: What can you get away with?”

See how K2's multiple lists for Glass Expert™ makes this tool more powerful than ever.